Translate my posts!!

24. Januar 2014


Hello Hello,

oh my dear. ALREADY one month past since i'm back home. Unbelievable.

Anyway. How you should know now, do I love traveling. Actually, I loved it before Boracay also, cause I was already in the USA and almost every country in Europe. And my favorite City is still New York.
So I thought........ FIRST, I hate my job dental-nurse, SECOND, I love traveling, THIRD, I have no Job at the moment. SO HELLO, what about a Job in a Travel-agency ? How perfect it is.
But a little ( BIG ) problem, HOW THE ** can I get a Job as that?! I have no other choice but to do a second apprenticeship *CRY*. Actually I never wanted to do an apprenticeship anymore, never ever ever!  But OKAY, if this is the only way, one can't have anything.

I sent my application to Kuoni, that's a big travel-agency in Switzerland for a second apprenticeship. Then what? OMG, they wanted me to meet them for a Job-interview. YAAAAAAY.

And the Job-interview was today.

It was in Zurich, so I had to wake up early. I was so nervous, haha, ask my friends. So I arrived there this morning and there were also other applicants waiting.

After a two hour test about english, french ( MON DIEUX!!!! ), german, math and geography, a roleplaying and a 20min interview, i was dead. I never thought that an "interview" can be that hard!!?

Coffe after.... :)

Now I really hope I get this Job. I REAAAALLY HOPE. Cross your fingers!!

If I could work there, I would persuade every person to visit the Philippines!! Haha...

Have a good day guys. See ya!!

10. Januar 2014

Reunion with Jin :D

Awwwww, lucky news!

Maybe I told you before, that I met on my first month on Boracay, two lovely swiss girls. Their name is  Lucy and Aylin. We were always together wish Jess ( you know her hopefully ) and Jin ( my older brother, you also should know him ) both from Korea.
Anyway, Jin came to Switzerland last week!! How awesome!

I was so happy to see him again! It felt pretty good to be with Lucy, Aylin and Jin again. It took a little bit of my "Boracay-Homesickness" away.

Jin, Aylin and I spent one whole day in Zurich and waited for Lucy, until she were finish with her work. It was so much fun, even though it was so freezing!

We also cooked one day swiss food with Jin, it called Fondue. You know it? Very delicious. We also ate it in our Dormitory a few weeks ago in Boracay Fondue. Very funny was as a Korean woman ate the melt cheese with a Shrimp. Haha, well... enjoy it, ugh.

Now, our friend Jin is back in Ireland, he's going to school there at the moment. We will meet us again, for sure!

But now I'm sad, cause Jessie weren't with us. But I called her these days, and it was sooooo goooood to hear her voice again, almost two month past when I heard her the last time??!!! Now I reaaaally want to see her as soon as possible again! Sadly she has a very busy and hard work in her Ski-shop in Korea. But I hope, when the main season is over, she has time to come to Europe. At the latest when she comes in October for OKTOOOBERFEST with me! Omg, Jess, that will be so much fun!

Sooo my dear, please don't judge me for my english, even though I was four month in a School, it's pretty hard to write in english for me, that's why I've to finish that Post now. Haha. 

Take care guys, xoxo Naty <3